28 February, 2011

Moving always is a pain

Finally I moved out of Domus, a serviced apartment, man no matter how little things one got; packing and moving them create endless pain and inconvenience.

In a couple of weeks I'll need to fly back home.... really not looking forward to the long haul traveling. All the fucking airports, immigration and security checks one has to bear.... where's teleporting?

25 February, 2011

Patiently waiting

Waiting for the latest android release. This will be second update within just over a month. Awesome that's why getting a Google official phone is great.

23 February, 2011

More Delaying Tatics

Got a reply from business partner telling me to avoid engaging business brokers and keep my voice down about selling BR.

WTF! I truly losing trust in him.

22 February, 2011

On and Off Days

Life sucks, like playing tennis, one will have red hot days when one can't miss and another aweful day when every shot just hitting tape or missing by an inch.

I just hope that I can string more on days on a row than off days in life.

20 February, 2011

Nasty Week Ahead

It can be nasty the coming week ahead, both my partner and I, are confronting some challenges. However who knows, it might turn out better for us.

We just need to keep calm and collected as long as we are mentally prepared all will be good.

Time to take some deep breath and chill out making sure that we don't stress ourselves out.

19 February, 2011

Leap Into Abyss

What's ahead no one knows; take a chance, world can be ones oyster.

Live by the sword and die by the sword. Fortune favourites the brave; this is the motto I live by when I play tennis and I should live life by it too.

So jump into an abyss let loose go for all hell can bring, confront it all without fear.

18 February, 2011

Doing Business with a Friend is truly a misgiving

Pain, anguish, frustration - lies, deception, manipulation...

Freaking really shit me to tears!

17 February, 2011

Hammering fatty

Its always fun hammering someone in tennis especially someone you dislike.

I had Mega fun killing fatty on court last night, and he was commenting that he can't wait seeing me leave Hong Kong, so he wouldn't get punished again.

Ah it was fun indeed.

16 February, 2011

Slow and Lazy Days

Cold day. Did nothing all day.

Had a nice dinner with my partner, and a good chat about how to proceed with lingering annoying business matter.

I feel calmer and a bit relieved.

14 February, 2011

Something is a miss

I seldom consider consequences whilst I am making a decision. I failed to take all into consideration when I decide on any issues on hand.

It comes to my attention today, I have been told that I hurt my partner's feeling when I decided to accept an invitation to play tennis instead of going on a date.

Mind you, today is Valentine's day and I did previously agree to have dinner with my partner. It is my lapse for sure, maybe it has been so long that I am in a relationship, more precisely, I have always been acting without thoughts.

Well, if I desire a successful partnership in life I have to take such shortcomings seriously and amend them with utmost efforts on my part...

13 February, 2011

Gloomy Sunday

Gloomy Sundays always bring my moods down...

It looks like tennis will be called off today, drizzling right now.

11 February, 2011

Stop procrastination

I must stop procrastinate on things that put myself off.

Just face them head on rather put my head in the sand!

Do things like I play tennis full on attack disregarding the score.

My Prestige Mid:

10 February, 2011

I hate HTC!

I just sold my HTC Hero, less than 12 months old, for HKD 750.00 only! I paid HKD 4,500.00 for it and I had to put up with the bullshit HTC dished out for delaying months for upgrading the OS.

Now I hope that the Google Nexus S will give me better experience.

Paid for my first Android App

spent USD 4.99 on Mixzing Music App for my Nexus S.

I hope that it is worth it.

09 February, 2011

Freaking banking sorted finally

Freaking bank transfer finally done after a whole week! Stupid Australian banking rules really shit me sometimes....

Bored to death

If it only can bring death, I'll actually won't be suffering now.
Wouldn't mind catch in train in NYC, it might get my juice going...

07 February, 2011


Finally found a decent latte place, Oliver's Super Sandwiches,  near where I live in HK.
They use Illy coffee bean, nice unfortunately the cup is on a tiny side though.

Android Nexus S

Got it a few days ago paid just above USD 570. Better user experience than my HTC so far except for the dialer.
Where the fuck is Google Buzz Widget for Nexus S? It isn't in the Market for sure, it really shits me sometimes how Google does things.