31 March, 2011

Tension of Opposites

New term, tension of opposites, I read of a book my girlfriend recommended to me.

A great term for I applying to my current conflicted, confused and confounded quandary.

Starting another business forming from a new partnership brings a new leaf however I am looking for self determination and dictate my own terms ever since my last business venture with a so - called best friend left me with bitter and scarred memories.

Proceed with extreme caution.

24 March, 2011


I got the webcam of VAIO Z working with Linux. Feels great about it.

This time I yet may get 90% of all the Sony VAIO Z hardware up and running with Linux.

Linux will set you free, control your own destiny.

23 March, 2011

Red checker shirt

It all initiated with a common red checker shirt, some sort of friendship was established, now a possible business venture may aslo be lauched within months.
However, everything has it's pit falls... I need to beware of them and safeguard against such dangers.

22 March, 2011

Starbucks full of wankers

Sitting here is a true torment.
In a low end coffee chain shop, Starbucks, there are plenty of local try-hards, lost tourists and time killers. Of course occasionally there's one or two unfortunate ones, like myself, can find nowhere else to rest one's feet in this harsh and unashamedly commercial environment devoid of any human decency.


Another recovery made to my VAIO.

Back to Gnome again. Let's see how we go from here.

I am getting very tired of doing this. Patience is required the actual release date is not due till May 2011.

16 March, 2011

First Micro Step

Ticket booked on 14 April 2011, will be home on the 15th.

Long awaited journey home I must kick off some of my prospective projects rather going through day after day without too much purpose...

Lost Amist Confusion

Plans of plenty, plans of change, plans of progress, and plans of innovation; yet stepping out first step has been delayed and postponed by procrastination and indiscipline. 

I should kick off by booking a return ticket, create an environment with less distraction, hammer down a solid schedule begin on a journey with incremental benchmarks approaching the end goal.

11 March, 2011


A watch tied to my wrist, keeping me on time, reminding me time management, alas who isn't a slave of time? The watch weights heavily on my wrist...

10 March, 2011

Righteous Indignation

Make a forceful complaint to my Serviced Apartment Company about not returning my 17K plus security deposit and they promised to direct deposit to my bank account on Monday which still is 6 days away.

I believe that my indignation and forecful tune made them transfer fund into my account within 24 hours.

Lesson learnt - always ensure to voice one's displeasure when facing service providers.

09 March, 2011

Gnome 3

After a couple days of hacking current Linux kernel to work on VAIO Z, I was pretty fed up with all the hassles and start to consider an alternative such as Mac Book Air / Pro.

Fortunately the latest kernel included in Fedora 15 alpha pre release actually work "out of box".

Also the Alpha version comes with Gnome 3!

The UI is much improved almost Mac like, I'm impressed however now I just have to bear with countless bugs and random crashes.

Nevertheless it is better than using Windows 7. I'm overjoyed that I can wipe Windows off my VAIO and out of my life.

06 March, 2011

Patience is a virtue

Painstakingly edging closer to retrieving a portion of my investment.

The effort I exerted, the stress I endured and the sacrifices I vested will never be returned with any interest. They will be like bad debts written off but there will always be scares inflicted on my subconscious forever tattooed in my mind.

03 March, 2011

Breakfast at MX

1022 finally can't fight starvation anymore so I got off my arse and headed down to MX for some breakfast.

02 March, 2011


More of the same, more BS; asked for a breakdown of financial figures, got a mesh of vague numbers...

I truly regret being in business with someone I thought was a friend... I never actually questioned any numbers before but now there is not an ounce of trust I have for him.