18 November, 2011

Galaxy Nexus

I simply must upgrade my Nexus S to this new Galaxy Nexus, ICS aside, I really dig the LED notification light.

I missed having notification light on my Nexus S.

The new Nexus looks a bit too big but maybe it will make reading ebooks more pleasant.

The ICS looks awesome, making it feels like a real smart phone.

I can't imagine myself using another phone with hard buttons, just seems so unnatural, I got so accustomed to "buttonless" design of Nexus.

15 November, 2011

Finally I received Monster Cable Miles Davis Earbud

Yes! They sound fantastic, full range rendered clearly, from Classical to electronic music. Downside they look a bit wanky though.

13 November, 2011

Finally Flash is dead

I hate Flash.
Now it is dead on mobile platform.
When will it die out on all platforms?
Adobe has been an arsehole about patching up Flash on Linux platform for years.
It has been a pain going onto Flash infested websites, it drives my PC crazy. It breaks and crashes my browser.

I can't wait till it vanish from Internet.

Open platform always is a safer bet.

06 November, 2011

Qantas shits me

Looking for flights to Hong Kong in late November, freaking Qantas online service sucks to the max.

I have to call call during weekdays, and probably wait in queue for hours before I will get any help.

Tickets will be scarce, high school and uni semesters, will end in mid November, all the overseas students will be competing for seats.

I can't even sort out the flights details, let alone my major concern with my business affairs. Frustrating!

03 November, 2011

FT86 successor of AE86

Yes! The legendary Toyota AE86 has a successor - FT86.

I will purchase it if it is available right now. The news is that it will be in production from 2012. No idea when will it be released in Australia.

Also big downer is that I have no concrete plan for up coming year. Where am I going to be? I don't know. What will I be doing? I have no idea.
Love in limbo, life in distress.