24 February, 2013

Laurastar Steamax G2

I received Laurastar Steamax G2 a couple days ago, costing AUD 428.00 including shipping, it is the most expansive iron I have purchased ever.  

I dearly hope that it does live up to my expectation. After seeing it in action, I believe that it can actually save me some money by not having my clothes dry cleaned as often. The powerful steam supposedly can make creases "disappear" without using much elbow grease.

I would use it in coming week.... fingers crossed that it does worth the money outlaid...

14 February, 2013

Finally I have received Nexus 4

This is my third Android phone within last 12 months, and now I have owned every iteration of Nexus phones. Currently I have 3 Android mobiles, but, of course, only one active.

Nexus 4 is more or less the exact size as Galaxy Nexus, however, it feels somewhat more a premium product even it is cheaper to purchase. I bought it just under AUD 400.00, including shipping cost of AUD 20.00, from Google Play store. I got the 4GB version as I had been waiting for it so long that I am not willing chancing it for unknown waiting period for the 16GB one.

 The glass back of Nexus 4 feels more superior than the Galaxy Nexus, although, finger print smudges will be very evident.
The screen is a little bit wider, I can't really tell which one is clearer. Overall I do like the new Nexus.

Now I am considering to order the Nexus 10 tablet.

06 February, 2013

Impressed with VW Golf R Stereo System

Media-in option links Apple products and industry standard USB connections via an adapter cable. What is impressive - I attached a flash drive to it, expecting the system to play the content, but I had some FLAC encoded music on it. I certainly did not expect the system will be able to read this uncommonly used format.... but it does!

05 February, 2013

Miele Coffee Machine

Retail around AUD 1,299.00, I got it for AUD 787.00, from an on-line only store. With free delivery, it is a real bargain!

I was considering purchasing a capsule coffee machine, however, I like drinking all kinds of coffee from different countries, capsule coffee just a bit restrictive.

What coffee beans did I buy for first cup of coffee made by Miele?

Shamefully, it was LavAzza Torino, a well known Italian coffee brand. It was purely due to convenience, I wasn't prepared driving a 25 Km round trip just getting some exotic beans.