24 September, 2012

Feels Good - I smashed Galaxy Note and pruchased Galaxy Nexus

Over some arguments I smashed my Galaxy Note, but I don't really feel bad about it except losing the residual trade-in value of it.

I am so sick of using Touchwiz and having to wait for Samsung to release updates.

I would dearly wish that Google has announced when it will release a new Nexus phone for 2013 but who can live without a smartphone for a few months.

Now Google Galaxy Nexus got Android 4.1, I guess that I would be happier to use it even the hardware specification is a bit dated, after all it was released around 12 months ago. Nevertheless, I should have purchased the Nexus in the first instance rather than being persuaded by the false impression of usefulness of Galaxy Note's S-pen.

Lesson - only stick to a pure Google phone, as I value getting latest Android versions more than some BS features, bigger screens, or special stylus pen, being released by other phone manufacturers.